I Feel A Draft #7: Win at Rock, Paper, Scissors Every Time With This Brilliant Trick

Courtesy of FREEPIk Are you tired of getting your *** handed to you during multiple failures at "Rock, Paper, Scissors" by kids and adults alike? I hope this article helps you deal a crushing defeat to your opponents!!! https://m.mic.com/articles/145767/win-at-rock-paper-scissors-every-time-with-this-brilliant-trick?utm_source=policymicFB&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=WHFacebook&lc_content_id=1eRLYNx8R#.0Mtq4S0LO

Making new friends in a new town…

Most people have moved to a new place at least once in their life, whether it's to a different neighborhood in the same town or city, or to a completely different town, city, state, or country. Regardless of where you move, it's crucial to establish relationships with new people in your community. I came across …

Trip to Tokyo Metro Museum in Kasai

This museum is a favorite for my son, but I know that many children and train enthusiasts love coming here!! There are several static displays of some older Tokyo Metro trains, as well as interactives and diarama. The entrance fee is much cheaper than other museums we have been to, and the museum isn't too …

A Morning at the Train Museum (Maybe a Little Less Than a Morning)

My son Alex and I took another trip to the Saitama Railway Museum this morning. He absolutely loves that place, and admittedly, they do have interesting displays. His favorite is the Shinkansen 0...the very first bullet train in Japan. The museum has a room dedicated to it...you can literally smell and feel the history. There …